Counting my thoughts

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Every wonderer enjoys the state of oblivion and this becomes an obsession when she remains in oblivion for too long

To the end of all that I know

To finally live in the fantasy that your younger self once dreamed behind the counter of serving taco bells was a fulfilling moment. The sigh of relief to join the workforce would bookmark one of the…


If every idea I have pondered exists on the internet, then surely someone else must have implemented these ideas. It is not difficult to sketch out this person; they are likely the one most cited across…

Anne Smith

Anne Smith visits the same shops every Saturday, and on Sunday, she attends church. That is all you will ever get to see her with people. She doesn’t like fancy things or anything that bends more…


Let’s play with Hilbert spaces as we wait for the quantum computing field to advance

Lost in Nostalgia’s Spider Webs

One of my most joyful moments was while working on a high school assignment. The task was to create a flowchart detailing the possible decisions a character makes throughout a game. Given that this was a…


If the worst outcome is simply giving up, then what do you have to lose?


If there is an afterlife, I hope to reincarnate as a ladybug, where my life is only devoted to the delightful pursuits of harvesting nectar, and seeking comfort in perching on a mathematician’s shoulder


Once you have mastered the foundational aspects of your endeavors, you can afford to be impatient. However, until that mastery is attained, this flaw should never overtake you


Anything can be transformed into something greater when you have hope (Hint: Laplace Transform)


The worst time to doubt is when you are learning. The best time to doubt is after your plan succeeds


Wherever there is a need for improvement, there will also be a need for automation. Fortunately, there is always a space for improvement, regardless of how big a success is or how small a failure may…

My favourite challenge

There are many moments where I would need 20 minutes to solve a problem, and my university colleagues would come in and solve the same problem in just a few minutes. Indeed, many times I have…

Am I actually bad at maths?

Short answer: Yes Long answer: No. Well, at least I hope not. Maybe, I am not studying correctly, or that I am not polishing my understanding as frequently as I thought. Did I understand what I…